Dutch Board

I am the treasurer of the Laleaua Foundation. I am specifically dealing financial aspects.
When I was a student I regularly visited Romania. I helped out in a children’s home in the town of Spinus, and I aided in setting up the Ecce Homo Foundation in Cluj-Napoca. The underprivileged position of the Roma struck me then as it still strikes me now.
When I was a student I regularly visited Romania. I helped out in a children’s home in the town of Spinus, and I aided in setting up the Ecce Homo Foundation in Cluj-Napoca. The underprivileged position of the Roma struck me then as it still strikes me now.
Laleaua Ministry has been structurally attributing to the improvement of the Roma community, which I think is awesome. The fervour and motivation of each and everyone is exceptional. I have a lot of respect for this!

I am the secretary of the board. I am honoured that this way I am able to contribute to the beautiful work Laleaua Ministry is doing among the Roma people of Târnăveni.
What is motivating to me and keeps me going are the children’s happy faces, the conviction that every child matters and the fact that I can truly put my being a Christian into practice. I fully agree with the firm belief that Jesus Christ is the One able to change the children’s lives which speaks from the team’s work.
Laleaua Ministry is like a second family. Together with the team and the children we can pass on God’s love to each other. Jesus is alive! And Jesus is the heart of all the work of the Laleaua Ministry. He is the One Who unites and guides us.

Binnen het bestuur mag ik meehelpen en meedenken in de keuzes, situaties en processen die belangrijk zijn voor stichting Laleaua. Hierin hoop ik een frisse en creatieve inbreng te leveren.
Na een aantal zomers stichting Laleaua te hebben bezocht en gewerkt te hebben met de mensen uit de Romagemeenschap, heb ik mijn hart daar verloren.
Het motiveert mij om de liefde van Jezus voor ieder mens en ieder kind uit te delen op welke manier dan ook. Omdat iedereen het volgens onze Hemelse Vader waard is.
Laleaua vervult een essentiële rol voor het laten opbloeien van de Romagemeenschap in Tarnaveni. Het enthousiasme en de liefde waarmee dit wordt gedaan is onbeschrijfelijk.