Boys' Club
The Boys’ Club is a spiritual and social program in which boys between the ages of 14 and 20 are told about the Gospel.
They learn how the Good News is put into practice by studying the Bible together, drinking coffee, playing games
and chatting together.

The aim of the Boys’ Club is introducing the Gospel to the boys and teach them to put it into practice. We make the boys that their lives have a purpose and that God wants to equip them in living up to this goal.
We tell the boys they are loved by a unique God, Who reveals Himself in the Bible, and Who, as God the Father, personally cares for the boys. We help the boys getting to know Jesus, Who gave His life for each and every one of them.
We equip the boys, so they can grow into serious, respecting and loving sons, friends, husbands, colleagues and brothers.
The Boys’ Club started in 2011 from personal initiatives from within our team. Over time the Boys’ Club integrated into our weekly program. In the beginning we focused on the older boys of Rȃndunelelor Street; today all boys between the ages of 14-20 can join. The number of participants varies, but mostly there is a group of about 6 to 10 boys.
We run this social and spiritual program with four volunteers.
What does the program look like?
Every Tuesday evening at 7, we start our meeting by worshiping singing and praying, followed by a 40-mintues Bible study about a range of topics. We study Biblical male role models that inspire us, once we did the Alpha-course, we explore the message of the Gospel, the Trinity is explained and there are special “Q&A-nights”.
After the Bible study there is time for drinking, playing table tennis and other games and having a chat.
Three times a year we have dinner together: at Christmas, Easter and before the summer holidays.