
I am one of the preschool teachers of Laleaua Ministry. My main task is creating a relationship based on love, trust and mutual respect. Every day we have a lot of fun playing with the children. We let the children’s imagination run freely, and they have a lot of adventures: one day they are princesses and princes, the other day they are pirates.
As a preschool teacher I have various roles, but my main role is to ‘mother’ to the children. A ‘mother’ who treats the toddlers lovingly and patiently, teaches them new things and makes them feel safe.
My love for children is my main motivator. In addition teaching gives me the satisfaction of knowing that I am contributing to the ‘foundation’ of the first seven years in the lives of the children.
What can be more motivating than starting the day with warm and heartfelt hugs and smiles, which are confirmed by compliments such as: “Miss, you’re the most beautiful of all!”
Laleaua Ministry is the place where Roma children get the opportunity to be educated. It is a warm, welcoming environment staffed with competent people who are totally dedicated to the needs of the children.
Laleaua Ministry is a ‘second home’ for the children of which of know that people are always ready for them: for advice, a helping hand when they need one, or to get a better start in life.

I am a preschool teacher for Laleaua Ministry. During the time I spend with the children I try to create a home environment. For a short period of time I have the role of mother for the children.
The ‘new mother’ comforts the child that was beaten at home, disapproves of incorrect behaviour and is patient and forgiving.
I am calm, patient and loving. I do not boss the children around, but stand next to them and teach them to learn and become independent.
I use creative ways to attract the children’s attention. Through educational activities the children grow to love learning. The desire to achieve things which take skills, attention and patience.
I make every effort to develop the children’s vocabulary, personality and behaviour.
Laleaua Ministry is a beautiful dream come true for a certain category of children. It is a safe haven which inspires and encourages me to attribute to the education of children. I love what I am doing and I am involved and dedicated. I try continuing what the Dutch team of volunteers has started in our community in Târnăveni. I am proud of being part of this great team. A team which devotes time, dedication and a lot of skills in starting, opening, forming and realizing of dreams which can come true for these children!
Laleaua Ministry is a beautiful place. A place where everyone who comes in is welcome, especially the children who go to this preschool!
It is a place where the small children do their activities with us – the teachers. It is a ‘second home’ where they enjoy the possibilities which they do not have at home. The children get many games and toys, good meals and a lot of affection from us.
We would like to thank everyone who was involved with starting this preschool of which we are proud. We are grateful you give these underprivileged children the opportunity to learn and to integrate into our society!

I am the housekeeper of Laleaua Ministry and I take care of the personal hygiene of the children.
For me every child is unique and special. Every child has a story I would like to hear. Although I only spend a few hours at the preschool, I try to teach personal hygiene to the children. I teach them how to wash themselves; for instance, some children are afraid of water. I explain to them personal hygiene is important, so they do not get ill.
After work I often walked pass the building in which Laleaua Ministry is located. When I joined in, I met warm and hospitable people. I was a bit shy at first. Now I am happy I have met with the staff’s friendliness. They do wonderful things for the children. It motivates me they offer help to the disadvantaged children of our town.
Laleaua Ministry is like a family to me.

My tasks for Laleaua Ministry are mainly in the After School-program. I am responsible for the arithmetic lessons and the special program. The special program is a program in which children learn by playing. The goal of the program is developing the lessons in which children learn to plan their work, develop learning strategies and learn to think logically. In addition to being the After School teacher, I am also the football trainer. Once a week the boys and I go to a sheltered football field. The boys get training and have their own football competition. Another task is to assist with the Boys’ Club.
I have always had a deep, heartfelt desire to be able to have a role in the lives of children who are underdeveloped. I mostly wanted to do this through a combination of sports, games and education. Through these activities I very much like to show God’s love to these children. There was a mutual click with the Laleaua Ministry staff immediately.
I believe God has planted the desire to work here in my heart.
Laleaua Ministry is an organization in which the children are like tulips which open up beautifully – each with its own colour. The children can grow, knowing they are loved and safe.
God has a place for this work in His heart; this is the foundation on which Laleaua Ministry rests and on which it puts its trust.

My tasks for Laleaua Ministry are teaching Bible classes to the children the year round. I prepare the classes, teach, sing songs with the children and take care of the creative assignments.
In addition to the Bible classes I daily teach Romanian and maths to two groups of children and there are some smaller tasks I perform in cooperation with my colleagues.
There are various aspect of the work for Laleaua Ministry which inspire me. My love for the children and their love for me motivates me. It encourages me to see the children progressing and getting results by what I teach them. And finally: this work is also necessary, since it creates a monthly income. This way I can provide for my family.
Laleaua Ministry is a place where Roma children are offered a chance to learn, to be educated and get to know God.
Most outsiders say that it is impossible, but God says it is possible!

First of all, I take care of the children’s meals (both for preschool and After School). In addition, I help children with their homework if they need it.
I welcome people who have questions about preschool, or who would like to speak to one of the other staff members. When guests from the Netherlands visit, I welcome them with gladness and lots of love.
When the children have had their meals, I do the washing up and clean the room, and … naturally… I always make coffee and tea for my colleagues.
I thank God for sending me here. The place where I make thousands of sandwiches and lots and lots of tea. The place where I am privileged to take care of wonderful children, so they feel loved and appreciated.
When the day is over, I leave with a smile on my face for all the work I could do, and I look forward to the next day to get back to work again.
Several aspects of the work stimulate me. First of all, the peace and quiet I receive from God. In addition I feel love and joy in my heart for the children. Every day I am glad to work with them with love in my heart . I am glad that I can be of use this way. And I also am motivated by my colleagues. They support me if I am having a hard time. I am being appreciated for what I do for the people in charge. We work very well together, which motivates me and encourages me to continue my work. I really enjoy what I am doing!
Laleaua Ministry is hospitable and located in a beautiful building where everyone can come to visit our preschool. It is well organized and has a good ambience. The Dutch colleagues know how to behave towards us and the children. They have good initiatives and have pleasure in their work. When people have questions about preschool, we can give them positive answers.
I am blessed with my job at Laleaua Ministry. I thank God for the beautiful building, and hope I will be able to work here for many years to come, so together we can enjoy the work. I am glad to be part of the preschool-team.

My task is taking care of communication: I provide news from and stories about Laleaua Ministry by means of photos and text. In addition to this I am jointly responsible the Girls’ Clubs, both for the older and younger girls. I am an ‘assistant captain’ in the Marines’ Club and teach at the After School for few hours each week.
I lifted her and spun her around, she started ‘floating’ in the air. Her big, happy smile has been engraved in my memory.
‘Lifting’ the Roma so they are elevated from their situation is my motivation. Lifting the Roma, helping them grow, in order to firmly stand on their own two feet, standing firmly on the solid Rock, so they will shine and overcome the vicious cycle in which they live.
Laleaua Ministry is a floral garden filled with coloured, beautiful, talented and extraordinary tulips. A place which in dependent on the Living Water and the Lifegiving Light. We hope to pass on some of that Water and Light, so each and every tulip really starts blooming.

My tasks for Laleaua Ministry consist mainly of management of the organization. In addition I am dealing with issues and contacts resulting from this.
In my capacity as ‘personal’ driver of the preschool children I bring and take the young ones to and from preschool. In addition is it my privilege – and that of my colleague Dorel – to tell the children a Bible story every week. We always try to make this a joyful occasion.
I always teach After School for a couple of hours, teach Bible class at the Boys’ Club and I am an ‘assistant captain’ at the Marines’ Club. I make myself available wherever I am needed.
I grew up in a loving Christian family, so I had ample opportunities to discover who I am and to develop. For this reason I would like to support our underprivileged children and offer them a safe haven, so they will be able to develop too. I want to them to know that they are loved by our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus: the One Who gave His life by dying for their sins and was raised from the dead. This truth matters, gives perspective and motivates. My personal inspiration is from the book of Hosea 4:6: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Besides this text I am motivated by Henry Ford’s words: The most worthy help one can offer someone is by offering him a chance.
Laleaua Ministry is a colourful and versatile organization: small, but standing tall.
Colourful, since there are various nationalities, cultures, denominational backgrounds and ages within the organization. We all share one passion: love for and support of the disadvantaged (Roma) children and their families.
Versatile, since we wish to realise this passion in various ways. In cooperation with the children and their families, we do our best creating ways of living which are appealing and which honour God.

First of all I am responsible for the medical aid Laleaua Ministry offers. Three mornings a week I am available for questions concerning health. I try to find solutions for requests concerning medical aid: information, helping with medicines, accompanying people to hospital (during hospital visits I am the go-between between the Roma people and the medical authorities. In addition I am the ‘captain’ of the Marines’ Club, teach After School once a week and I am responsible for the facility management.
I have always loved helping people. The first time I came to Romania, I was touched by the suffering I saw. This was the reason why I took every opportunity to return to Romania with both hands.
During the training to become a nurse, God made clear I had to go to Romania to help the people. In the meantime my motivation altered: I not only do this work for the Roma, but what I do it’s God’s work. He is the only One who can truly change things!
Laleaua Ministry is part of God’s plan to be a blessing in the lives of the people the organization works for, and to build His Kingdom!

My work consists of helping Roma families and working with teens in the ages of 10 to 18. I visit families and am the team’s contact for social problems. I help families by trying to arrive at a solution step by step.
Each week I teach After School for the teenagers, am part of the Girls’ Club and the Marines’ Club.
I am grateful God gave me a place in His Kingdom here in Târnăveni. There are so many talented children and teenagers who now and in the future can fulfil a role in God’s Kingdom and in Romanian society. It is my privilege to encourage them and make them aware of God’s plan with their lives.
Today’s children and teenagers have been raised with the programs of Laleaua Ministry. Therefore these programs have fixed place in their lives. The focus on personal development (both spiritually and cognitively) and offering a safe haven are top priorities. In addition we lend people an ear, and offer them a shoulder to cry on – a place of love, quiet and of structure.

In addition to After School, I teach Bible classes, Romanian and arithmetic. I also part of the Boys’ Club team, teaching Bible classes, encouraging and counselling the teenagers. I am worship leader and Bible class teacher in the Marines’ Club. I am responsible for writing documents for carrying out plan the foundation has. By critical analysis and new ideas I try to contribute to the positive development of the programs of Laleaua Ministry.
To me the inspiring factor of the organization is the fact that God’s love and the Christian values and principles are made known to the people we work with. And also the growing approval of the community that our activities have a positive and transforming impact on the families of the Roma community is an motivating factor.
The fact that we as a team are able to grow in social, cultural and spiritual aspect is really encouraging to me. I am honoured that I, to a certain extent, can attribute to shaping and improving the future of all the children and teenagers I work with.
Laleaua Ministry is a Christian non-profit organization which was founded in the Netherlands, which though all its programs wishes to proclaim God’s love to the Roma community, and it is also a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural organization. Since the beginning of its existence Laleaua Ministry plays an important role in the Roma community where education and social integration is concerned.
The foundation also aims at reducing economic inequalities, improving the standard of health care and diminishing the negative prejudices and discrimination of the Roma people.

I teach After School for the elementary school children. I mostly teach Romanian at different levels.
During breaks we have lunch in the kitchen. We chat and play.
Once a week I lead the Girls’ Club, at which we have all sorts of social and educational activities, for girls in their early teens.
I work for Laleaua Ministry because I wish to give the underprivileged children a better future, so good education is a must – which the children normally do not get.
I would like to help children getting self-confident and to expand the basic skills which are necessary to play a meaningful role in society.
I like to show them they are seen and loved – that they are of value.
I like to give them a good time when they are with us.
Laleaua Ministry is like family to me: a place where I together with the others can grow in experiencing God’s love. A place where I can put this love into practice and share it. A place where the children can experience safety and warmth, and getting the feeling what family life can be like. A place where young and old can discover themselves and can be who they really are.